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Odds :
Matches :
Teams :
NBA Basketball - Win NBA
Boston 2.50
Denver 3.10 3.25
Minnesota 11.0 13.0
Oklahoma City 13.0 13.0
Dallas 13.0 13.0
NY Knicks 17.0
Milwaukee 26.0 26.0
LA Clippers 26.0 26.0
Philadelphia 34.0 34.0
Indiana 51.0
Cleveland 51.0
Miami 151
Phoenix 151 151
LA Lakers 201 251
Orlando 301
New Orleans 301 301

NBA Basketball - East Conf.
Boston 1.45
NY Knicks 6.50
Indiana 10.0
Philadelphia 11.0
Milwaukee 19.80
Cleveland 21.0
Orlando 41.0
Miami 151

NBA Basketball - West Conf.
Denver 1.75
Oklahoma City 6.00
Minnesota 6.00
Dallas 6.00
LA Clippers 21.0
Phoenix 67.0
LA Lakers 151
New Orleans 151

Fixtures for NBA Basketball l Show AllSummary
Cleveland @ Orlando Minnesota @ Phoenix
NY Knicks @ Philadelphia Oklahoma City @ New Orleans
LA Clippers @ Dallas Boston @ Miami
Milwaukee @ Indiana Orlando @ Cleveland

Outright betting markets for NBA Basketball
Win NBA East Conf. West Conf.

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