NHL Full Season Statistics

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Boston Bruins   Toronto Maple Leafs
0 (0%) Tips This Match 0 (0%)
0 (0%) Draw Tips 0 (0%)
n/a Av. Margin Tip n/a
n/a Av. Score Tip n/a
Main Table
3 1483 846 637 0 4516 3906 2538
Average Score : Boston Bruins3.05
League Table
Main Table
10 1309 709 600 0 4451 4075 2127
Average Score : Toronto Maple Leafs3.40
Home Record
846478 3680 25442273
Average Score : Boston Bruins3.01
Home-Away Record
Away Record
637335 3020 20872007
Average Score : Opposition3.15
 Toronto Maple Leafs3.28
Won 1 Streak Lost 1
Toronto Maple Leafs 1
Boston Bruins 3

Boston Bruins 2
Toronto Maple Leafs 3

Boston Bruins 5
Toronto Maple Leafs 1

Boston Bruins 5
Toronto Maple Leafs 1

Boston Bruins 1
Ottawa Senators 3

Last Five Matches Toronto Maple Leafs 1
Boston Bruins 3

Boston Bruins 2
Toronto Maple Leafs 3

Boston Bruins 5
Toronto Maple Leafs 1

Boston Bruins 5
Toronto Maple Leafs 1

Tampa Bay Lightning 6
Toronto Maple Leafs 4

Head to Head Last 3 Years

Played 17, Boston Bruins 10, Toronto Maple Leafs 5, Drawn 2

Round 1, 28-Apr-2024 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 1 - 3
nhl, 28-Apr-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 0 - 0
Round 1, 25-Apr-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 0 - 0
Round 1, 24-Apr-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 2 - 3
Round 1, 22-Apr-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 5 - 1
Round 1, 21-Apr-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 5 - 1
Round 1, 08-Mar-2024 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 4 - 1
Round 1, 05-Mar-2024 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 1 - 4
Round 1, 03-Dec-2023 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 3 - 4
Round 1, 02-Nov-2023 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 3 - 2
Round 1, 06-Apr-2023 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 2 - 1
Round 1, 02-Feb-2023 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 2 - 5
Round 1, 15-Jan-2023 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 4 - 3
Round 1, 05-Nov-2022 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 2 - 1
Round 1, 29-Apr-2022 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 5 - 2
Round 1, 29-Mar-2022 at Boston Bruins : Boston Bruins vs Toronto Maple Leafs 4 - 6
Round 1, 06-Nov-2021 at Toronto Maple Leafs : Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins 5 - 2
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